(2 minutes reading)
🇮🇹 👉 Italian version [LINK HERE].
Mindset is one of the fundamental elements to face any challenges or change, also digital transformation.
🤌 But which is the most effective?
Over the years I have been lucky to be able to ask for advice to different kind of people on this topic, including Olympic athletes, astronauts, young entrepreneurs on the Forbes under 30 list, artists, successful speakers, influencers, and in all of them I have found a common mindset that I have realised is the most effective:
Being able to adapt yourself to the context, questioning yourself on how you can improve day by day, getting up quickly, visualising your goal and being positive.
🎧 From Gianluca Gazzoli, speaker of Radio Deejay, I have learnt how important is to visualise and keep your goal in mind: I was really impressed by a story he told me about he wake up every morning with this picture of Radio Deejay in from of him, to remind himself that he wanted to get there!
🏅 From Riccardo Mazzetti, a great friend who competed in the Olympics twice, I have learnt the importance of consistency on improving day after day, race after race, to do better and better, but also the importance of getting up quickly, because when a race goes wrong, you can only learn something and move on, to improve and think about the next one.
🎮 From Fjona Cakalli, entrepreneur, presenter and influencer, I have learnt the value of positivity even in the most uncomfortable situations. One example out of many is her last trip in US where she was stranded alone for a week due to Covid. She turned the situation to her advantage, with a positive spirit and also took the opportunity to spread culture about the importance of travel insurance.
🚀 From Mike Massimino, NASA astronaut, I have learnt that context makes a difference and how important it is to get back up quickly. In one of his speeches, he told me about the 3-second rule they use when something goes wrong: in space, that's the time allowed to get "angry", then you have to get focused again and move on, because in space, every second is precious. And also in our lives.
📌 An effective and far-reaching mindset, in my opinion, contains all these ingredients and we can all do it and improve!
Are you able to be positive even in difficulties or do you get down easily?
Are you able to adapt yourself base on the context that surrounds you?
Are you able to learn from your mistakes and benefit from them?
Are you able to stay focused on your goals?
These are some of the questions that might help you to have an effective mindset that, in my experience, can help you in digital transformation and more...
📜 👉 Are you agreed with me or do you think it's very far away from you?
Let me know in the comments!
I'm always happy to help you to learn more or if you'd like to have a sparring partner or to have a chat about this or other topics, feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
📖 A book that inspired me in some of these reflections and that I recommend to you is “Mindset. Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential”.
It’s about how to change our mindset from static to dynamic, i.e. to consider that skills can be acquired and developed our lives and to reach unexpected goals. You can find it here [LINK QUI]
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